A Little Something Every Day...

One of my New Year's goals is to write something every day. Who knows what I'll write about?

Monday, May 14, 2007

Latest Movies...

This is what I've seen in the last week or so.

20. Dreamgirls (DVD) 9/10 I did see this when it came out in the theater. It's a great movie. Unless you don't like musicals. Then you won't like this.

21.Little Children (DVD) 5/10. Only manages a 5 because the ending was interesting.

22. The Good Shepherd (DVD) 6/10. It was ok. Hard to follow at times and long.

23. Lucky You (Theater) 7/10. Much better than expected. Good story.

24. Alpha Dog (DVD) 6/10. Ok, nothing special. Get to see Sharon Stone in a fat suit, which was interesting.

25. 10 Items or Less (DVD) 7/10. Interesting story. Morgan Freeman is an actor who hasn't done a movie in awhile. There's a scene where he is in Target for the first time that's pretty funny.

26. Georgia Rule (Theater) 7/10. Pretty good story, good acting.

27. Freedom Writers (DVD) 8/10. Much better than I expected.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Kentucky Derby

Here's my pick to win the Derby: Circular Quay.

Now if I were betting, here's what I would bet.

Exacta Box Circular Quay and Street Sense.
Exacta Box Tiago and Street Sense.

I would also put probably $5 to show on Storm in May 'cause I like the horse, don't think he has much of a chance to win, but could easily be in the money.

Here's my latest movies. (as a side note, I've recently went over the 1000 mark on movie's I've rated on Netflix)

16. Scarface (DVD) 3/10. I dont' get the fascination with this movie. Tony Montana is a jerk. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.

17. Teachers Pet (DVD) 7/10. Old Doris Day/ Clark Gable movie. Rachel had to do a project in her movie class and picked doing it on Doris Day so she watched a bunch of her movies. This is the only one (other than the Pajama Game way back in January) that I watched with her.

18. Smokin Aces (DVD) 7/10. I liked this way better than I thought I would. It was interesting seeing which "hitman" would wind up on top.

19. The Invisible (theater) 7/10. Good story, much better than I had anticipated. Way different than all the trailers.