A Little Something Every Day...

One of my New Year's goals is to write something every day. Who knows what I'll write about?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Good Morning Fay!

The bottom picture is the little retaining area in front of my building taken about 5:00 last night. Most of that water is from a storm Sunday. The top picture is the pond this morning. Quite a bit of rain overnight, but most of it is going to happen this AM.

I woke up to about 3 tornado warnings in the area, including pretty much right where I am. They said northwest Martin County, and you can't get much more northwest than I am! Its very dark and windy, but no tornadoes that I can see. Apparently, this side of the storm is the worst for producing tornadoes. So I'll be keeping an eye out. Everything comes in waves, and we're in a bit of a lull right now, but they're supposed to be coming through all day.

That's my update. I'll do another one later if something exciting happens.


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